Helping Families Thrive Strength Cards
You discover what you look for.
All families have strengths and an amazing capacity to face changes and challenges in the journey of life. Consciously connecting to strengths really helps to navigate this journey. These cards are designed to support wellbeing, thriving and growth with positive communication to help families identify, access, and amplify their unique family strengths.
Connecting to strengths helps to:
Develop warm emotional bonds; build a resilient, cohesive, joyful family;
and navigate predictable changes, unpredictable challenges, and curve balls that life can throw.
HFT Strength Cards evolved from Dr. Leonie White’s years of Clinical Practice, research and theory which has helped families discover and connect using strengths to grow healthy, thriving families making a difference to them and their communities.
They provide support and guidance to families to help reach their unique potential.
Helping Families Thrive Strength Cards is a set of cards designed to assist families of all types to build resilience, as they journey through this thing called life.
These cards will identify and amplify family strengths as a platform for growth and positive change. They will help all families to identify their strengths, discover or rediscover their capabilities, build resilience and feel resourceful, skilled, and empowered with new possibilities. These cards create powerful strength-based conversations that will help them shift towards
hope and possibility.
These cards can be used by families or in conjunction with a Helping Professional.
My passion is to support children, parents, and families, and to make a positive difference in the world as strong families build strong communities. I hope your family enjoys exploring strengths as much as I have enjoyed creating this valuable resource for you.
Dr. Leonie White
The cards are available at Compass Seminars Australia
Helping Families Thrive Strength Cards
Photo Attributions
Category: Fun and Enjoyment
We share activities and play together Canva Pro
We have fun, laughter and good times Unsplash +
We take time to really get to know each other Photo by Malvestida on Unsplash
Being different from each other is okay in our family Vecteezy Pro
We appreciate each other’s individual strengths, hopes, qualities and skills Vecteezy Pro
We balance time together as a family with individual time Canva Pro
Individuals in our family have their own interests Unsplash +
We don’t have to be the same to enjoy each other and have fun together Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash
As parents we value having fun as a couple and as individuals Vecteezy Pro
We can do both child led and adult led games and activities Photo by Julietta Watson on Unsplash
As parents we coach our family in fun, fair play, including the ability to lose gracefully Canva Pro
Category: Belonging
We have shared family values and we talk about them Canva Pro
We update our family values as our family grows and changes Vecteezy Pro
We have family traditions for important days like Christmas and milestones like graduations Vecteezy Pro
We have fun and special times together e.g., celebrations, days out, holidays, nature walks Natalya Zaritskaya on Unsplash We love each other Anna Kolosyuk on Unsplash
We show our love, affection and respect for each other Unsplash+
We work as a team Vecteezy Pro We do things for each other Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash
We pull together in times of troubles Vecteezy Pro
We are committed to each other Vecteezy Pro
We look out for and take care of each other Photo by Rachel on Unsplash
We share family stories and memories Vecteezy Pro
We have small frequent rituals of connection e.g., morning greetings, hugs, kisses, tickles Photo by Gabe Pierce on Unsplash We share meals together Photo by Jimmy Dean on Unsplash
Category: Nurturing
We can be “in the moment” together without distractions like technology or work Photo by Joice Kelly on Unsplash
We notice when family members need connection Photo by Miltiadis Fragkidis on Unsplash
We take everyday opportunities like driving or walking the dog for moments of quality connection Vecteezy Pro
We can connect spontaneously as well as for planned activities and events Unsplash+
We can have tricky conversations about things like sex, drugs, alcohol, money, and technology Unsplash+
We make our relationships a priority Vecteezy Pro
We accept all feelings in our family, even ‘tricky’ ones Vecteezy Pro
As parents we practice emotion coaching in our family, and connect to feelings before responding to behaviour Unsplash+ We do heartfelt apologies when relationships are harmed and find ways to reconnect Canva Pro
We are considerate of each other Photo by Mei-Ling Mirow on Unsplash
As parents we express positivity and catch our kids being good e.g., compliments, gratitude for chores, expressing pride Canva Pro
As parents, we spend even just 10 minutes a day with each child in an activity Photo by Joseph Gonzalez on Unsplash
Category: Communication
We talk about our days and our interests Vecteezy Pro
We listen attentively to each other Vecteezy Pro
We express appreciation and gratitude in our family Canva Pro
We communicate openly and regularly about our joys, concerns, interests, and plans Vecteezy Pro
We communicate genuinely and congruently what we feel, whether it’s a positive or challenging time Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash
As parents we help our kids name their feelings Vecteezy Pro
As parents we communicate instructions in a way that describes the desired outcome e.g. walk in the house NOT don’t run Vecteezy Pro
As parents we use communication to give children age/stage appropriate opportunities for choice Photo by Ben Wicks on Unsplash
We use validation and empathy and know when not to talk too much Vecteezy Pro
We talk about problems in ways that keep the problem separate from the person’s identity Canva Pro
As parents we avoid shamebased discipline Photo by Caleb Woods on Unsplash
We can talk about all experiences both “positive” and “negative” Canva Pro
Category: Problem Solving
We help and encourage each other Vecteezy Pro
We can do apologies and forgiveness Unsplash +
We talk about issues and problem rather than bottle them up Canva Pro
We listen to understand and empathize, not to argue back
Canva Pro We can negotiate as a family Canva Pro
We are respectful, open, and connected in problem solving Canva Pro
We have a problem-solving strategy/process Canva Pro
We choose a good time to raise an issue and problem solve Canva Pro
We negotiate to take a break if needed e.g., if feelings get too high, or people are tired or hungry Canva Pro
We use “I-statements” when talking about problems Vecteezy Pro
We keep the 5:1 ratio in our family. Five positive interactions to one negative Canva Pro
We learn from facing problems, tough times, changes, and challenges Vecteezy Pro
We are resilient and adaptable Canva Pro
Category: Family Structure
As parents we share a clear, consistent family vision Vecteezy Pro
As parents we do same page parenting, and we talk together about the “big things” Photo by Ashley West Edwards on Unsplash
As parents we lead the family confidently in a fair, firm, loving, respectful way Canva Pro
As parents we are “in charge” of our family Vecteezy Pro
We have clear, fair family rules and expectations that we communicate and follow consistently Vecteezy Pro
We are aware of the roles different family members play and discuss this e.g., who does what in the family Vecteezy Pro
As parents our roles are balanced to share the load Canva Pro
All family members have responsibilities that match their ages and stages Unsplash +
As parents we look after ourselves as people so that we can be there for our family Etienne Girardet on Unsplash
As a family we are open to sharing dilemmas and asking for help from outside the family Vecteezy Pro
We value friendships and connections outside the family for all family members Photo by Simon Maage on Unsplash